1. 15th May 1986

    Foun­da­tion of the “Café Wein­hold” by Maria Wein­hold with 24 indoor seats and 24 seats on the ter­race. In addi­tion to cof­fee and cake, we also offer soft serve ice cream, Sol­jan­ka and home­made piz­za.

  2. Spring 1991

    In the spring of 1991, the first major remod­el­ing took place. In Order to cre­ate 20 addi­tion­al seats, two walls had to give way. In order to boost the win­ter busi­ness, the new tables and chairs were removed so that there was enough room for our first pool table. This was the first step towards the pub as it is today.

  3. 15th May 1992

    On May 15, 1992, exact­ly six years after the open­ing, the two broth­ers Frank and Peter took over the “Café Wein­hold” from their moth­er. In order to make use of the chairs and tables that were removed in the pre­vi­ous win­ter, the next two walls had to go.

  4. 1993/1994

    In the win­ter of ’93 a new darts room was cre­at­ed, again a wall had to go. As in pre­vi­ous years, one or the oth­er wall had to give way in the win­ter of ’94. The rea­son was the enlarge­ment of the darts room, as well as a sec­ond pool table.

  5. 1995

    Noth­ing new in the win­ter of ’95: two more walls had to give way in order to get from the counter direct­ly to the sec­ond pool table. Dur­ing this time, the open­ing hours and the offer changed. From the after­noon busi­ness, with cof­fee and cake, we went to the evening busi­ness with home­made Sol­jan­ka, La Flûtes, farmer’s break­fast and Schnitzel. More and more often darts and bil­liards were played until one or two o’clock in the morn­ing. Due to the con­stant expan­sion of the din­ing area and the menu, which was for­tu­nate­ly greet­ed by our guests, we now got to the point we had to enlarge the san­i­tary facil­i­ties. This time, no walls were removed; unfor­tu­nate­ly there were no walls left. So this time, we decid­ed to build three walls.

  6. 1996–2011

    As the space was too small for larg­er events, we decid­ed for a last large and elab­o­rate exten­sion: the con­struc­tion of the ball­room. Since then, not only reg­u­lar dance events have been held here, but also fam­i­ly and com­pa­ny cel­e­bra­tions of all kinds. Of course, these cel­e­bra­tions were also host­ed by us with indi­vid­ual cold and warm buf­fets. By enlarg­ing our kitchen, we were able to expand our menu. In addi­tion to the home­made Solyan­ka (the same recipe from our moth­er), we now also offer fresh fish, fish spe­cial­ties, soused her­rings of dif­fer­ent kinds, home­made “Sauer­fleisch” (pick­led pork in a lau­rel and vine­gar aspic), pork schnitzel and steaks or Argen­tin­ian beef. The sea­son­al offer has now been expand­ed and includes fresh aspara­gus, mus­sels and the pop­u­lar Eis­bein.

  7. 2010

    Since the 1st of Jan­u­ary 2010, the broth­ers Frank and Peter no longer work togeth­er. Instead, Frank Wein­hold and his team con­tin­ue the “Restau­rant & Pub Wein­hold” for many years to come.

  8. 2012

    Through fur­ther ren­o­va­tions and remod­el­ing — the last one in the ear­ly days of 2012 — we were able to carve out the cur­rent char­ac­ter of our restau­rant “Restau­rant & Kneipe Wein­hold”.

    The guest area is now quite labyrinthine because of the numer­ous wall removals, but that and all the oth­er spe­cial inte­ri­or fea­tures will make your stay so inter­est­ing. In addi­tion to var­i­ous ship pic­tures and fish­ing nets, we have a row­ing boat attached to the ceil­ing, a 1000l large aquar­i­um, the only “square” adver­tis­ing col­umn in the world, and a wall with sou­venirs from many coun­tries around the world. All of this brings out the mar­itime and rus­tic char­ac­ter of our loca­tion, which allows our guests to dis­cov­er some­thing new again and again.